Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yun and Yang In Super Street Fighter 4 Acrade Edition.

The first trailer for the arcade version featuring new characters Yun and Yang is here! It shows both characters in action

As you can probably tell from some of my other post I play Super Street Fighter 4,  alot. Its one of my favorite games, and even though Halo Reach is out is still make time to play it almost every day. There were rumors going around that Capcom was going to add 6 new fighters to the game. Yun and Yang are the first two to be confirmed.


  1. Street fighter is so fucking awesome. And Japanese arcades are gank as hell. Instead of single machines to play 1v1, they have a bunch of individual consoles that play on a giant screen.

    Great post!

  2. Awesome! i love street fighter. New fighters would be awesome. Can't wait!
